
I can't run my own compiled kde licq 1.2.6 with kde 3.1.2

When I run licq, I get this message:
$ licq
19:38:16: [WRN] Licq: Ignoring stale lockfile (pid 28047)
19:38:17: [ERR] Unable to load plugin (kde-gui):
/usr/local/lib/licq/licq_kde-gui.so: undefined symbol:
_ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent. 19:38:17: [WRN] This usually happens
when your plugin
      is not kept in sync with the daemon.
      Please try recompiling the plugin.
      If you are still having problems, see
      the FAQ at www.licq.org

I have these debian packages installed:

# dpkg -l *qt*|grep ^ii
ii  libqt3         3.1.2-0woody1  Qt Library
ii  libqt3-headers 3.1.2-0woody1  Qt3 header files
ii  libqt3-i18n    3.1.2-0woody1  i18n files for Qt3 library
ii  libqt3-mt      3.1.2-0woody1  Qt GUI Library (Threaded
runtime version) ii  libqt3-mt-dev  3.1.2-0woody1  Qt development
files (Threaded)
ii  libqt3-plugins 3.1.2-0woody1  Qt3 plugin header files
ii  qt3-dev-tools  3.1.2-0woody1  Qt3 development tools
ii  qt3-dev-tools- 3.1.2-0woody1  Conversion utilities for Qt3

My debian is woody 3.0r1 with original KDE packages from:
deb http://download.kde.org/stable/latest/Debian stable main

Thanks for help


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