
I'm a happy licq user for a long time now. There's one thing that's a bit
annoying, and seems to be a small bug somewhere in qt-gui.

I run "LANG=en_US.UTF-8". Some of my friends have cp1250 (iso8859-2) and
some of them have cp1255 (iso8859-8) encoding. When I set the encoding for
someone, close and reopen the window, it all works as expected: messages
that I send/receive are corretly coded, the info window contains the names,
etc in correct caracters, licq main window has the nicks in correct
encoding, etc. The only two places where I have gibrish is the window title:
Licq - Info ?????? (???)
            ^nick   ^name
and in the tab bar of the tabbed message window.
The same names are corretly showed inside the window.

Oter windows can show all these letters (KDE is set up to use unicode fonts)
So the only reason I could imagine is that there's something missing from
the qt-gui's code.


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