
I am using Licq 1.2.3 on RH9.0 but i wanted to upgrade it. And i downloaded licq-1.2.7-1.rh9.i386.rpm.

Anyway i changed my user to root and i used -Uvh command and it gave me this error.

what can i do? and how can i upgrade it?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eray]# rpm -Uvh licq-1.2.7-1.rh9.i386.rpm
hata: Failed dependencies:
       licq-gnome conflicts with licq-1.2.7-1
       licq-kde conflicts with licq-1.2.7-1
       licq-qt conflicts with licq-1.2.7-1
       licq-text conflicts with licq-1.2.7-1
       licq = 1.2.3 is needed by (installed) licq-gnome-1.2.3-5
       licq = 1.2.3 is needed by (installed) licq-qt-1.2.3-5
       licq = 1.2.3 is needed by (installed) licq-text-1.2.3-5
       licq = 1.2.3 is needed by (installed) licq-kde-1.2.3-5

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