Hello Eray.

I have no problems with you asking as many questions as you need.  And I
do appreciate you wanting to learn.  Don't worry.  As long as the
questions are LICQ related I see this as a positive thing.  You may want
to start asking questions like this in the licq-devel list though.

On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Eray YASYERLI wrote:

|I know everybody hate me for my lots of e-mail. But i have to ask to learn.
|I installed licq1.2.7.rpm (complete) but i want to translate some words in
|turkish. Because it's mistakes and untranslated words there.  but i didn't
|find translations and any po files  /qt-gui/po.   How can i find it and
|translate it?
|Still got the prob. :)
|Thanx everybody

  Dennis Tenn             *   There will always come a time
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         *   When your love will be tested
  LICQ# 1457509           *   Stand tall and rise to the occasion
  http://www.licq.org/    *   For only then will you grow strong.
  http://www.ca.licq.org/ *          -Anonymous

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