On Saturday 25 October 2003 15:15, Paolo Herms wrote:
> Hi all,
> i have a problem starting licq:
> When I start licq from a bash window in kde i get the following messages 
> and then it exits.
> 15:06:05: [WRN] Licq: Ignoring stale lockfile (pid 4924)
> 15:06:07: [WRN] Failed to start local TCP server:
>                  Permission denied
> 15:06:07: [ERR] Unable to allocate TCP port for local server (No ports 
> available)!

Hello Paolo,

you most probably defined a port for Licq that is below 1024. Ports < 1024 
usually are reserved and can only be used with root-permission.
You can configure licq's ports in the options dialog -> network -> port range. 
In most cases you can leave the portrange in the "auto" state.


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