Hello LICQ users.

It's that time of the year again..  The LICQ.COM domain is up for renewal.
As it was last year we are looking for members who would be able to help
us pay for the domain.  If you are able to help please contact me directly
and I will provide the necessary information to pay.

      Domain Name: LICQ.COM
      Expiry Date: 2004-Jan-29

NOTE: The LICQ.ORG domain will be up for renewal on 2004-Feb-08.

  Dennis Tenn             *   There will always come a time
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         *   When your love will be tested
  LICQ# 1457509           *   Stand tall and rise to the occasion
  http://www.licq.org/    *   For only then will you grow strong.
  http://www.ca.licq.org/ *          -Anonymous

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