On 02/14/2005 06:04 pm, Holger Reuchlin wrote:
> Am Mon, 14 Feb 2005 17:19:21 +0000 schrieb Pollywog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On 02/14/2005 05:09 pm, Holger Reuchlin wrote:
> > > Hi licq-conneseurs,
> > >
> > > when I want to see a systemmessage licq dies.
> > >
> > > What can I do against that?
> >
> > You did not say which version you are using.  Perhaps you need to
> > upgrade.
> I took licq-1.3.0-1-SuSE-9.0.i586.rpm from erdfunkstelle.de and I have SuSE
> 9.0 running.

I am using the version in CVS and I have not had the problem you describe.
Perhaps you could try compiling from the stable version yourself and see if 
that fixes it.  If not, you could download one of the CVS snapshots.




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