
Am Montag, 24. April 2006 10:59 schrieb Josef Angermeier:
> over the last years, i used kicq, micq and mirabilis icq. I got the message
> history saved in the corresponding data files. Now i try to archive my
> private data for the next centuries, so i would like to convert those
> message history files from the specific data files to something more
> general, e.g. a pure readable text file or xml file.
> Can i use the micq2licq or the kicq2micq converters somehow for this
> purpose ? Can i convert micq and kicq message history to licq message
> history and export that one to xml or simple text files ?

I know the problem and, together with some friends, I started to develop a 
tool to store histories from different icq messengers.

You might want to check out http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/impuls. 
Development just started, but during the next week there will be a first 
release available.

If you'd like to get a pre-version, drop me a mail and you will get a CVS 


     /    \
    / ^  ^ \      Stefan Haun
    I  \/  I      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   II      II     http://www.tuxathome.de
   II      II
    I /\/\ I

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