#1443: Smiley *JOKINGLY* does not work
  Reporter:  max      |       Owner:        
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new   
  Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:        
 Component:  message  |     Version:  1.3.4 
Resolution:           |    Keywords:  Smiley
Comment (by max):


 Sorry, but i had no time before today.
 I testet it - between licq-clients it works. But when my partner has
 Windows-ICQ 5.1 and he sends me the *JOKINGLY*-Smiley, i just receive an
 empty message.
 I testet it with a lot of ICQ 5.1-clients - alsways the same - an empty

 When I send him the Smiley, he receives it...

 I could not test it with ICQ 5.0, MIRANDA or something like that.


Ticket URL: <http://trac.licq.org/ticket/1443#comment:2>
Licq <http://www.licq.org/>
Licq - an instant messaging client for UNIX.

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