#1418: "error encoding" message
  Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |       Owner:  root_42
      Type:  defect              |      Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal              |   Milestone:  1.3.5  
 Component:  qt/kde gui          |     Version:  1.3.4  
Resolution:                      |    Keywords:         
Comment (by mrb):

 I too can confirm this bug, at least with 1.3.2 and 1.3.4 in FreeBSD
 portage, although it might be caused by something different than what the
 posters above see.

 I can use german umlauts but only if the other user has written something
 before. If I initiate the chat or the conversation with the other user has
 been idle for some time everything after the first umlaut is truncated and
 I receive the encoding error message. Umlauts do work for me after
 receiving the first message of a user until there appears to be a timeout.
 "Send through server" is checked for most contacts.

 > 2. Which encoding have you selected in Licq (if any)?

 ISO 8859-1, also tried with UTF-8 and UTF-16

 > 3. Have you selected any special encoding for the contact you're
 chatting with?

 No. Tried every single special encoding but no change.

 > 4. Do you know which encoding the contact uses (client, operating

 Mostly latest official client on Windows, but also had trouble with Linux
 clients (no idea which ones)

 My locale is not set properly, although it did not work after setting it
 to a german locale as advised above.



Ticket URL: <http://trac.licq.org/ticket/1418#comment:10>
Licq <http://www.licq.org/>
Licq - an instant messaging client for UNIX.

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