#1583: Problems with dock icon under Window Maker
 Reporter:  torrentss  |       Owner:       
     Type:  defect     |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal     |   Milestone:  1.3.6
Component:  None       |     Version:  1.3.5
 Keywords:             |  
 There are several problems with the dock icon when using licq 1.3.5.

 The common practice in Window Maker is to run the program (licq), and then
 drag its dock icon to the dock. Next time, when launching licq through
 double-clicking that docked icon should replace the icon with licq-
 specific info-icon.
 This behaviour used to work until 1.3.2 or so (don't remember exactly),
 but now in 1.3.5 there are two problems:
 1. Upon launching, the docked icon displays nothing.
 2. Then, if I change the ICQ status, a new icon appears (not in the dock
 but elsewhere, where general window icons are) with the info and stuff.

 Even if I drag both icons to the dock, double-clicking one of them opens
 the info-icon in the other, and only after I change the ICQ status
 manually or open a message.

Ticket URL: <http://www.licq.org/ticket/1583>
Licq <http://trac.licq.org/>
Licq - an instant messaging client for UNIX.

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