#741: check invisible not longer working
  Reporter:  axtimwald    |       Owner:  emostar 
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:          
 Component:  None         |     Version:          
Resolution:  None         |    Keywords:          

Old description:

> since a few days i noticed that the check if invisible
> works on all users even when i know for sure that they
> are not online.
> this is what teh information says..........
> Licq Version 1.3.1/SSL.
> Qt GUI Plugin Version 1.3.1.

> is it me or does somebody else have the same problems?
> is a real great feature i dont wanna miss.....
> regards björn

New description:

 since a few days i noticed that the check if invisible
 works on all users even when i know for sure that they
 are not online.
 this is what teh information says..........

 Licq Version 1.3.1/SSL.
 Qt GUI Plugin Version 1.3.1.

 is it me or does somebody else have the same problems?
 is a real great feature i dont wanna miss.....

 regards björn


Comment(by flynd):

 Ticket #742 closed as duplicate of this.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.licq.org/ticket/741#comment:5>
Licq <http://www.licq.org/>
Licq - an instant messaging client for UNIX.

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