Charles ... this is not only about JS level. One may simply click a
link or submit a simple form (with NO JS involved) and lift should
probably be aware of browser type it can correct some browser specific
idiosyncrasies in the resulting markup. Certain applications may need
for instance to detect if a mobile browser is used instead of a PC

I don't think there is some other option then user-agent. But user-
agent can be used today in lift but I agree that a higher abstraction
is needed.

At JS level, yeah object detection sounds really good.


On Sep 26, 12:25 pm, "Charles F. Munat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Browser detection is a really bad idea, and I would recommend avoiding
> it at all costs. A much better solution is object detection.
> Here's one pretty good description about why this is so:
> Here's another:
> And one more (for the unconvinced :-)
> Chas.
> Tim Perrett wrote:
> > Am I being dumb here - could we not just run some checks on the user-
> > agent header and respond appropriately?
> > It would be very cool if SHtml was browser aware.
> > Cheers
> > Tim
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