On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Joachim A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an abstract class which defines snippet methods for the
> inheriting snippets.
> Here's some sample code (untested, just to show the problem):
> abstract class AbstractTestSnippet {
>   def sayHi(xhtml:NodeSeq):NodeSeq = Text("Hi")
> }
> class TestSnippet extends AbstractTestSnippet {
>  def callSayHi(xhmlt:NodeSeq):NodeSeq = sayHi(xhtml)
> }
> Using <lift:testSnippet.sayHi> doesn't work (the log prints a method
> not found error).
> Using <lift:testSnippet.callSayHi>  works fine, though.
> What am I doing wrong here? :)

This is a Lift-ism.  To make sure you don't access methods except for ones
that are explicitly on the class that's being reflected, Lift only looks at
the methods defined on that class.

Please look at the DispatchSnippet trait.  If your Snippet implements
DispatchSnippet, you can control how to dispatch commands.

> >

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