So I'm gradually getting my head around lift, in particular the comet
support. I'm currently trying to understand how the Chat example's
AskName functionality works. I believe that I've uncovered a bug, but
I'm not sure why it doesn't work or how to fix it.

The Chat class's localSetup method is clearly trying to ensure that
the name entered is at least 3 characters long:

  override def localSetup {
    if (userName.length == 0) {
      ask(new AskName, "what's your username") {
        case s: String if (s.trim.length > 2) => userName = s.trim;
        case s => localSetup; reRender(false)

But this doesn't seem to work. If you enter a name longer than 2
characters everything works just fine. If, on the other hand, you
enter a shorter one it doesn't let you proceed (which is good), but if
you subsequently enter a longer name, it still doesn't let you

I'm pretty sure that this isn't some artifact of my local installation
as I see the same behavior here:

I can see what the code is trying to achieve. Why isn't it working?

Thanks in advance!


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