On 16/12/2008, at 3:30 PM, Charles F. Munat wrote:

> I copied and pasted the error message code into my own error message
> utility and then changed the blank output to Text(""). I also wanted  
> to
> rewrite other parts of it.

Im trying to get a html programmer to come up with a css fix before I  
in my own fix, but its certainly a option to use, if necessary.

> It seems there is always a trade-off between convenience and
> configuration. My coding style is very different from David's (at  
> least
> where HTML is concerned), so I find myself rewriting (modifying,  
> really)
> lots of stuff to make it work the way I need it to. But it sure saves
> time to have a base of code to modify, rather than having to write it
> all from scratch.

I've been guilty of modifying a few things myself, so I certainly  
where you are coming from here. It makes me wonder how many "lifters"  
working with an unadulterated version of the code-base.

My own code style is also probably different from others and is likely
going to diverge as I have a "mentor" pushing me to adopt a much
more functional/immutable style of programming.

> Chas.
> Oliver wrote:
>> I have the following to output an error message against
>> <lift:msg id="errMsg" type="msgs"/>
>> When I have an error its all fine, but when I don't have an error I
>> get the following html
>> <span id="errMsg"/>
>> Is there any way of getting rid of the empty span?
>> cheers
>> Oliver
> >

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