I'd put a try/finally around the EM.closeEM call so that it does not impact
the stuff that's being rendered to the browser.  Don't let the exception in
the finally block propogate.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Oliver <ola...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was redirecting to an error page using
> LiftRules.logAndReturnExceptionToBrowser, but when I use a LoanWrapper
> to close a EntityManager and an error occurs when closing the entity
> manager, LiftRules.logAndReturnExceptionToBrowser doesn't appear to
> redirect to my error page. Can anyone think of a work around?
>        // Output a simple error to the user. Link the error message
> to the screen via the current datetime
>        LiftRules.logAndReturnExceptionToBrowser = {
>                RedirectResponse("/error);
>        }
>        // Set up a LoanWrapper to automatically close a EntityManager
> if its open
>        S.addAround(List(
>                new LoanWrapper {
>                    def apply[T] (f : => T): T = {
>                        try {
>                            f
>                        } finally {
>                            EM.closeEM // close if open
>                        }
>                    }
>                }))
>    }
> >

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