Ok. To clarify it is an after hours project.

I vaguely remember a thread on the list in the distant past about a  
merged parser... might look into that.

The main problem is I started with the perl version and started to  
translate that. In hindsight I might stop and attack the Textile  
parser in Lift...

I'll take it you would rather a sane implementation rather than a  
fully output compatible version?

I have been thinking of allowing the mapping to XML to be customised  
(eg say use <lift:a/> instead of <a/>). That would allow you to  
massage the result to your hearts content - eg. add class based on  
href as per your example.

No promises, but will put a few other projects on hold and bring this  
up to the fore.


On 19/01/2009, at 5:46 PM, Charles F. Munat wrote:

> Haven't decided to yet. Just checking it out.
> I don't like the use of things like
> h1. Heading
> to indicate heading levels in Textile. Too much like html (why not use
> html?). In Markdown, it's simpler:
> # Heading 1
> ## Heading 2
> etc.
> But there are things that Textile does that Markdown does not, such as
> simple tables. (At least, I'm not aware of Markdown doing these.) Or
> adding a class name to a link (which would allow me to differentiate
> easily between on-site and off-site links). Textile appears to cover
> more bases.
> That said, a big part of the problem is that I'm using MarkdownJ and  
> it
> was never really fully implemented, so it has bugs. For example, say I
> wanted to do bold italic. I'd probably just nest them:
> ***bold italic***
> But this doesn't work. I get <strong><em>bold italic</strong></em>,
> which is not nested properly and crashes the XML parser. (Weirdly, in
> the standard Textile parser online, if you do this:
> _*bold italic*_
> you get this:
> <em>*bold italic</em>
> but if you do this:
> *_bold italic_*
> you get this:
> <strong><em>bold italic</em></strong>
> Strange, eh?)
> I'd thought about implementing Markdown in Scala myself, but I'd  
> have to
> clone myself to do it, or hire someone to do all my other work. If you
> get Markdown working and usable in Lift (and soon), I'd love to use  
> it.
> But I have an important site due in the next month or so, and I need
> whatever I use to just work.
> (That said, I've got some older sites I want to convert over and they
> use Markdown, so I'd like to stick with it there no matter what.)
> Keep me posted, please. And if you need testing, let me know.
> Does this help?
> Chas.
> Marc Boschma wrote:
>> Hey Chas, why the move from Markdown to Textile? (in the midst of
>> implementing Markdown parser in scala...)
>> Marc
>> On 19/01/2009, at 11:57 AM, Charles F. Munat wrote:
>>> I was trying to find something on the wiki about Textile as I'm
>>> considering changing over from Markdown. I used Google to search  
>>> thus:
>>> site:liftweb.net textile
>>> And I got a list of hits back: a couple from home.liftweb.net and  
>>> the
>>> rest from demo.liftweb.net.
>>> When I went to the "home" pages, I got this:
>>> Not Found
>>> The requested URL /lift/wiki/HomePage/edit;jsessionid=kbu9tvq3yysu  
>>> was
>>> not found on this server.
>>> But when I went to the "demo" pages, I got this:
>>> 502 Bad Gateway
>>> nginx/0.6.32
>>> Not one single link on the first page of results went to a working
>>> page.
>>> One would think that Lift was out of business.
>>> Any ideas as to why this is happening? What can we do to fix it?
>>> Chas.
> >

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