I'm using the jQuery plugin ModalDialog  in a page. The message which is 
displayed in a dialog contains a lift ajax form. The xhtml of the form is:

<form lift:gc="F470696901035FZU" id="F470696901035FZU" action="#" 
onsubmit="lift_ajaxHandler(jQuery('#'+'F470696901035FZU').serialize(), null, 
null);return false;"><div class="dialog"><div class="question">Do you really 
want to break up this friendship?</div><div> <button 
onclick="lift_ajaxHandler('F470696901033BXG=true', null, null); return false;" 
lift:gc="F470696901033BXG">Yes</button> <button 
onclick="lift_ajaxHandler('F470696901034CAZ=true', null, null); return false;" 
lift:gc="F470696901034CAZ">No</button> </div></div></form>

Basically the plugin calls $(<html from above>).
This works fine in Opera. But it doesn't in Firefox. Firefox 3 complains about 
the lift:gc attribute and gives an error that the prefix is not defined.

My page has xmlns:lift="http://liftweb.net"; in the html tag. But obviously 
this is not used in the jQuery call.

Is it possible to get an additional xmlns:lift namespace declaration in the 
tags which use the lift:gc attribute?

Or is there another way to fix this?

Another problem:
Also, Lift outputs html like <a lift:gc="F470696901031JE3" 
onclick="lift_ajaxHandler('F470696901031JE3=true', null, null)" 
href="javascript://" key="F470696901031JE3">

The key attribute is not prefixed by lift: and thus is invalid xhtml, I think.

Thanks a lot. Looking forward to the great 1.0 version,

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