+1 for overloading '? '

On Mar 6, 4:52 pm, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think this is a reasonable addition, but I would use
> def ?(key : String, defaultKey : String) = ...
> That way changing the default text just doesn't require changes to code.
> Derek
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Tim Perrett <timo...@getintheloop.eu> wrote:
> > Guys,
> > I have a situation where I want to localize a bunch of dynamic texts,
> > however the current behavior of S.? is to return the input text if its
> > found in a resource bundle. Whilst I see the rational for this, I have
> > another situation where I want to pass a key, and if it doesn't find
> > it, display something else (the english version). Id rather not use
> > the english text as the translation key, as if the english text
> > changes, my database translations will break (not good!)
> > I can achieve the functionality needed right by doing something like:
> >        S.loc(item.localization_key.toString + ".name") match {
> >          case Full(t) => t
> >          case _ => Text(doc.name.toString)
> >        }
> > But it would be nice if we could have a utility method in S which
> > allowed you do do:
> > ?("my.localization.key", defaultText.toString)
> > Thoughts?
> > Cheers, Tim
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