I'm not. Lift is. I'm just saving text into a database, and then pulling 
it back out again and displaying it. I'm not doing anything special. 
Everything, as far as I can tell is UTF-8, but still I get gibberish 
back out.

Marc Boschma wrote:
> Which parser are you using?
> Quick tests with PCDataXmlParser seems to indicate all ç get  
> mapped to the unicode character. In fact it does that for all entities  
> in object HtmlEntities (line 26 onwards in lift-util/src/main/scala/ 
> net/liftweb/util/PCDataMarkupParser.scala)
> If I enter the ç into a form it gets stored as the unicode character  
> \u00E7 ... and also returns as that unicode character.
> Regards,
> Marc
> On 15/03/2009, at 11:36 AM, Charles F. Munat wrote:
>> I have a site that uses a lot of "special" characters (a remarkably
>> biased description, since there is nothing "special" about accented
>> characters to the people who use them daily). In particular, I need  
>> the
>> c with cedilla and the n with the tilde.
>> These characters are being input to a database (UTF-8) via an online
>> form, then spit back out onto the page.
>> It's a fucking disaster. Apparently, everything goes through the xml
>> parser, which is great, except when I try to enter these as entity
>> references, such as ç, the parser changes & to & and I get
>> the literal ç back out again.
>> When I type ç using the keyboard (or copy and paste it from a page  
>> or a
>> text editor), I get gibberish.
>> Anyone know the trick to getting around this? I need everything from e
>> acute to e grave to trademark and registered trademark symbols, and I
>> need to enter them this way.
>> Thanks for any help. If I can get this to work, I'll add an  
>> explanation
>> to the wiki.
>> Chas.
> > 

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