Well, it may be that the XML output portion of Scala is escaping your
ampersands a second time. For instance, check out this session in the

scala> val title = "Catsby & Twisp"
title: java.lang.String = Catsby & Twisp

scala> val escaped = <span>{title}</span>
escaped: scala.xml.Elem = <span>Catsby &amp;amp; Twisp</span>

scala> val unescaped = <span>{ scala.xml.Unparsed(title) }</span>
unescaped: scala.xml.Elem = <span>Catsby &amp; Twisp</span>

Note that if you embed a String within XML elements, Scala will
automatically escape any ampersands unless you wrap the String in a
scala.xml.Unparsed instance. The second test there will render in the
browser like "Catsby &amp; Twisp", because the ampersand was escaped. I know
you're asking about the Utility object, but I think that would be fixing the
symptom rather than the cause.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 6:13 AM, Jeremy Mawson <jeremy.mawson.w...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been mucking around with lift and having a great time. I have cooked
> up a page that retrieves XML from a datasource and renders it. However some
> of the text elements I extract are HTML encoded. When rendered in the
> browser it looks like HTML code, rather than rendered HTML.
> I looked for a scala utility to unescape this, found
> scala.xml.Utility.unescape, but could not get it working.
> Here's how I've tried to use it.
>       val title = Utility.unescape(result \ "title" text, new
> StringBuilder)
> Unfortunately this always gives me a value of null, even though
> result.\("title").text is something like - "Tsvangirai&amp;#39;s wife killed
> in&lt;b&gt;car&lt;/b&gt;crash - ABC News"
> What could I be doing wrong? I realise this is probably a plain old scala
> question, but I hope someone here can help me anyway.
> Thanks
> Jeremy
> >

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