Thanks for the responses, guys.

So far I have developed big PHP apps with the Zend Framework, and I
found the apps quite manageable. Yes, it requires some careful
planning to not end up with a big mess of undocumented code, but so
far we always got there ;)

I think I will look into the "Programming in Scala" Book to get an
overview of Scala, then the Lift Book. I think it will all come to me
when I develop a small app. Thanks for all your feedback, it's really
exciting to get into this new language. I will stick around and let
you know how I progress.

Anyways, you guys are an amazing help. I really appreciate that.


On Mar 17, 4:45 pm, Derek Chen-Becker <> wrote:
> Over the years I've written a fair amount of PHP code for in-house
> applications (enterprise ticket tracking system, network equipment
> management, etc) and the experience has generally not been great. I think
> PHP functions very well for compact, well-defined apps, but the lack of
> structure in the PHP libraries ends up being a burden to non-trivial
> projects IMHO. In particular, the library is inconsistent and often
> incoherent. As an example, compare database access (pretty common
> functionality) in PHP vs Java. One app I wrote in PHP started out running
> against MySQL and then later needed to change to SQL Server. What would have
> been a simple database URL change (and replacing a jar file) in Java was a
> non-trivial search and replace of code throughout the app. I seem to
> remember there also being some functions that didn't correlate between the
> two driver types. In short, it was a very painful experience. I know that
> Pear and some other facades have been developed to make this more
> transparent, but overall I still feel like the library doesn't have an
> overarching theme. It's more a whole lot of bits and pieces stitched
> together.
> Another advantage that Lift has, being built atop the JVM, is full access to
> all Java libs, and the simplicity of adding libraries as needed. If I need
> to add SNMP support to my Lift app (network equipment), I just drop the jar
> file in. To add SNMP to PHP I had to compile a whole slew of libraries and
> recompile the PHP module. On a similar vein, the ecosystem of Java libraries
> is (in my estimation) at least an order of magnitude larger and more mature
> than for what's out there for PHP.
> Finally, and most importantly, the "view-first" structure of Lift is huge.
> It's difficult to overstate how much this can help improve code organization
> and page structure. Essentially, you're writing a whole bunch of little
> components in Scala and then composing them using pure XML templates.
> Templates can embed other templates, and can embed themselves into other
> templates as well, so you have incredible flexibility in how you lay things
> out while keeping things fairly simple. The ability to keep your code and
> presentation layer stuff in small, easily digestible chunks is what will
> keep you and your team sane when you tackle big projects. Of course, you can
> do this in PHP as well, but with Lift the capability is an integral part of
> the overall design.
> You might want to take a look at our demo app for the book:
> It covers a lot of Liftisms (not all), and I'd be happy to answer any
> questions you have about it.
> Derek
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Charles F. Munat <> wrote:
> > PHP is a language that's easy to learn thus easy to get started with.
> > But down the road, that ease comes with a steep price unless you are
> > very disciplined about establishing protocols for coding and sticking to
> > them. It is very easy to end up with unmaintainable spaghetti code. I
> > speak from painful experience.
> > PHP grew up by aggregation, thus it has an odd mixture of syntax and
> > conventions, some from Perl, many from other languages. Very little is
> > consistent. Not surprising from a language originally called "personal
> > home page" -- though PHP coders don't like to be reminded of that.
> > In short, PHP is fine for small sites and quick prototyping, or solving
> > some minor problem, but I wouldn't recommend it for anything serious.
> > Yes, I know that Facebook and many other big enterprise apps are written
> > in PHP, but just because it's possible doesn't make it wise.
> > Ruby and Python are dynamically-typed languages that typically run in an
> > interpreter. Ruby in particular is very open, providing unwary coders
> > with more than enough rope to hang themselves. They have very different
> > styles. If I were doing it all over again and choosing between the two,
> > I'd probably choose Python. I think it has more staying power (not least
> > because of Google). And there are some very interesting frameworks
> > available.
> > Java is a powerful, statically-typed language that is compiled into
> > byte-code and run in a virtual machine. (C# is Microsoft's rip of Java
> > after they lost a lawsuit. In many ways it's a better language, but when
> > you start later and can learn from the mistakes of your competition,
> > then that helps.) Java is fine if you are doing enterprise work and you
> > have a team of programmers and deep pockets. But the amount of
> > configuration and boilerplate code is absurd (thought slowly improving).
> > The sad thing is that the JVM rocks. It's solid and fast. Would that we
> > could take advantage of this without all the Java boilerplate.
> > Enter Scala. Scala does essentially what C# tried to do, but goes one
> > better (thus F#). Not only does it compile into Java byte code, but it
> > is a hybrid functional and objected-oriented language, so you get the
> > best of both worlds (or the worst, depending on your viewpoint). And
> > Scala learned from Java's mistakes. Boilerplate is significantly
> > reduced. Best of all, you can use the Java libraries and even mix Java
> > and Scala, so we don't have to wait another five years for Scala to
> > mature. We can get all the power of Java and eliminate most of the hassle.
> > I'd be remiss if I didn't mention some other options you should look at.
> > I think that the abandonment of Smalltalk by its biggest backer is a bad
> > sign, but it's a very cool language. Erlang has some great
> > possibilities. And there are plenty of others.
> > Scala, like Ruby, Python, Java, and PHP is a programming language. You
> > can write any kind of program in it, including command line executables
> > and GUI desktop applications. You can even program for Android in Scala.
> > Lift, in contrast, is a web development framework. It is a tool for
> > building websites. Period. (Well, web services, too, but that's a kind
> > of website.) You don't use Lift to build a desktop app. The equivalents
> > in other languages are (among others) Rails and Merb in Ruby, Django and
> > TurboGears in Python, Seaside in Smalltalk, etc.
> > The reason you are probably confused is that there aren't to my
> > knowledge many very mature web development frameworks in PHP. I know
> > they're out there, but they haven't made much of a splash yet. So your
> > experience is probably just writing code in PHP and presto! You have a
> > website.
> > With Lift it's very different. You use Maven -- a project management
> > tool that can build your project, package it, run tests, handle
> > dependencies, and much more -- to create your basic website. Maven sets
> > up a specific directory structure which you must follow (you can change
> > it possibly, but it's not worth it). Then you build the pieces of the
> > site, placing the code in the appropriate places. Lift handles all the
> > hard work of getting the request from the user and sending the response
> > back. It does this by working through the "servlet container" -- an
> > application that serves web pages written in Java (or Scala). I am
> > greatly oversimplifying, but this is all you need to know for now.
> > Lift uses a modified MVC (model-view-controller) architecture.
> > Generally, you save your data in a back end database as objects (using
> > an "object-relational mapper" such as Lift's Mapper or JPA). When these
> > objects are pulled back out and instantiated in memory, that is pretty
> > much your "model" (that and some business logic). The view is what gets
> > sent back to the user, after it has been populated with data from the
> > model. The controller acts as the go-between between the view and the
> > model.
> > In traditional MVC systems, the request comes into the controller, which
> > accesses the model as necessary and then fills in the view and sends the
> > response off to the user. In Lift, this has been shifted around into a
> > "view-first" approach. First, the view is selected, then the view calls
> > one or more "snippets" (lightweight controllers), which negotiate as
> > necessary with the model and return XML to the view to be re-integrated
> > with the view's XML. (I say XML, but typically it's XHTML, a dialect of
> > XML.)
> > So you use Maven to create the structure. Then you add XHTML to your
> > views. When you need to do some kind of programming logic (which you
> > *cannot* do in your views in Lift, unlike most other frameworks), you
> > create a snippet and put your logic there. If you need to persist data,
> > you have the snippets communicate with a database (or equivalent) to
> > save the data.
> > Hope that helps. Others can give you much more detailed explanations on
> > how exactly things work.
> > I will say this, though. Put in the time to learn a framework like Lift,
> > and you will *never* go back to PHP. But it will be work to learn Lift.
> > There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
> > Good luck,
> > Chas.
> > wrote:
> > > Thanks for the links, guys. I really appreciate it.
> > > To be totally honest, I just by luck found out that Lift even existed;
> > > John Resig did a Tweet that involved a Chat Application using Lift and
> > > Web Sockets. So I searched for Lift and found the framework. And since
> > > I make it a habit to learn something new every day for at least an
> > > hour, I decided to dive right in. After the "Getting Started", I am
> > > really intrigued. But I am, as I said, coming from a strict PHP
> > > background. I am, for example, totally unable to tell Lift and Scala
> > > apart.
> > > My goal so far is to get knee-deep into Scala and Lift. For work I
> > > develop high scalability web apps, and I feel like Lift and Scala fit
> > > right in there. I guess I want to figure out how much of a
> > > productivity boost I can get from Lift, and if I can do things with
> > > Lift that are not even possible with PHP.
> > > I
> ...
> read more »

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