This is something that has been asked before, but I don't think there was
anything out there. I think that this would be a really nice feature,
particularly if it could leverage the existing jQuery stuff.  IIRC, the
built-in Menu snippet doesn't render children at all unless the parent is
the current selected page, so we would have to either modify that or we
could code up a new MenuBar snippet that renders a "bar" instead of a UL
like the current one.


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:21 AM, DavidV <> wrote:

> I'm wondering if there is a built-in way to create drop-down menus
> from a horizontal navbar using the Menu.builder method. These are the
> relevant sections of my current template:
>    <title>My Title<lift:Menu.title /> </title>
>    <lift:StyleSheet.entryForm />
>    <lift:StyleSheet.fancyType />
>    <script id="jquery" src="/classpath/jquery.js" type="text/
> javascript"/>
>    <script id="json" src="/classpath/json.js" type="text/javascript"/
> >
>    <style>
>  /* <![CDATA[ */
> #navbar ul {
>    margin: 0;
>    padding: 2px;
>    list-style-type: none;
>    font-weight: bold;
>    text-align: center;
>    background-color: #C3D9FF;
>    }
> #navbar ul li {
>    display: inline;
>    }
> #navbar ul li a {
>    text-decoration: none;
>    padding: .2em 1em;
>    color: #000;
>    }
> #navbar ul li a:hover {
>    color: #fff;
>    background-color: #000;
>    }
>  /* ]]> */
>                </style>
>        </head>
>        <body>
>    <div class="container">
>      <div style="text-align: center">
>      <br/>
>        <h1 class="alt">
>          Welcome to the Genomas DNA Banking Database </h1>
>     </div>
>      <hr/>
>          <div id="navbar">
>              <ul>
>                <lift:Menu.builder />
>              </ul>
>          </div>
>          <div class="column span-24 last">
>        <lift:bind name="content" />
>    </div>
> I have a couple links on my navbar that have sub-menu links.  I have
> constructed them in my Boot.scala file like this:
>      List(Menu(Loc("SampleLogging", List("samples", "samplelogs"),
> "Browse Sample Logging"),
>           Menu(Loc("Individuals", List("individual", "individual"),
> "Patient Demographics")),
>           Menu(Loc("Requisition", List("requisition", "requisition"),
> "Requisitions")),
>           Menu(Loc("Samples2", List("samples", "samples"),
> "Samples")))) :::
>      List(Menu(Loc("EditSamp", List("samples", "edit"), "Edit",
> Hidden))) :::
> ...and so on.
> I would like to use some built-in tools to be able to make these sub-
> menu items drop downs from the "parent" menu item without having to
> build an entirely new complex table-based template.  Does anyone know
> of a way to accomplish this?
> Thanks,
> David
> >

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