On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Timothy Perrett

> Sure, I know this :)
> But what about CSS etc, how can they then become resolvable / includable in
> html (and/or scala view) code?

You could have the CSS reference generated in the Snippet.

You can also have views in code (see ViewDispatchPF) and do <lift:embed />
in your code to refer to the Scala-based view code.

> Thanks
> Tim
> On 23/03/2009 18:08, "David Pollak" <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tim,
> Look in LiftRules for SnippetDispatchPF
> Yes, you can dispatch snippets to objects defined in other JARs.
> Thanks,
> David
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Tim Perrett <timo...@getintheloop.eu>
> wrote:
> Guys,
> Has anyone got a good strategy for packaging up components of logic
> within lift?
> At our company we have a particular application that im writing some
> really nice logic for inside lift and im wondering how I can package
> that up and re-use it (short of copy and paste snippet files and the
> various css / js files)?
> I know we have a snippet search path, and thats cool as we can just
> bundle a bunch of logic into seperate JARs, but what about view / UI
> content? Perhaps some specially formated JAR layout with some kind of
> extension to LiftRules that says "also look here for stuff"?
> Thanks
> Tim
> >

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