Hello, all.

I happy to announce, that last version of Scala plugin IntelliJ IDEA (
http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=1347) provides possibility to run and
debug easily lift applications.
To import an existing lift application into IDEA just choose "Import project
from existing model"  when creating new project and point to the appropriate
pom.xml file. All libraries will be configurated automatically.

To create run configuration, first, make sure, that $M2_HOME variable is set
up properly in your system. After that, switch to IDEA and right-click on
the same pom.xml file in the project view. Choose "create
'my_app[jetty:run]' " and  run configuration will be created. Using it you
may run and debug your application.
In some case there migh be an error with message like 'No valid Maven
installation found'. Then just put correct path to maven installation
directory (for example /usr/share/maven2) to Maven Home Directory textfield
in General tab of created run configuration.

With best regards,
Ilya Sergey

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