Sorry, about double posting this. I am not certain how I replied in google
and got the subject goofed up so it posted in the wrong thread. Normally,
when you reply you don't even have a field to set the subject. Weird.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Chad Skinner <>wrote:

>> Yes.  I've got a backlog of stuff to do a mile long.  Don't expect
>> anything on this item before Wednesday.
> David, Is this backlog something that is public or something we can read.
> I'm hoping to get a better idea of how things work (Lift, OSGi, application
> architecture / design, integration, etc. ) and how others with more
> experience think with regard to these issues. Since there are only two of us
> and not a lot of funding for training I do a lot of reading and it helps me
> learn ... I think ...

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