On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:03 PM, etorreborre <etorrebo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks a lot David for putting the machine back online.
> I'm wondering if there's an item missing in the list. I've been trying
> to upload a new jar to the Nexus repository but this didn't work. Is
> it also back up?

No.  Only the static service of the stuff in the Maven repository.  Nexus is
not up.  sftp is not up.  Hudson is not up.  WebDav is not up.

> Thanks,
> Eric.
> David Pollak wrote:
> > Folks,
> > scala-tools.org is back online.  Hudson is not building and we're not
> > pulling from EPFL, so nightlies are not happening.  This will be
> rectified
> > over the weekend.
> >
> > The machine running scala-tools.org, liftweb.net and wiki.liftweb.netwas
> > not configured properly.  I did not have a firewall and port 25 was left
> > open and was an open relay.  I was notified on Saturday that the machine
> was
> > responsible for redistribution of some mail containing viruses.  At the
> > point that I was notified, I shut down the mail server.  However, the
> > machine become the target of what appears to be a denial of service
> attack.
> >  See the attached graphs indicating that the machine was saturating its
> > 100mbps bandwidth.
> >
> > I have taken the offending machine off-line and I mounted its disks on
> > another machine and removed the static contents.  I have not been able to
> > reboot the machine to pull its MySQL contents and thus am not able to put
> > wiki.liftweb.net online.
> >
> > I will get a static version of the liftweb.net site up in the next day
> or
> > two, but wiki.liftweb.net will wait until I can boot the machine in
> > isolation (in the event that it was compromised) and dump the
> > wiki.liftweb.net database.  I expect that the Lift-related sites will be
> > fully functional by Tuesday 4/14.  Note that I'm on vacation this week
> and
> > the incident cut significantly into fun time with the family.
> >
> > Going forward, I'm planning to do a couple of things:
> >
> >    - Isolate the layers of the machine running scala-tools.org such that
> the
> >    administration of the machine is different from the functioning of
> >    scala-tools.org
> >    - Create a stand-alone Hudson build machine that is separate from
> >    scala-tools.org so one can be administered without the other
> >    - Create Xen snapshots of Hudson build machines that will be able to
> >    build untrusted code from untrusted repositories (this will help with
> GitHub
> >    integration)
> >    - Have a couple of scala-tools.org mirrors so that even if one of the
> >    machines goes down, the others will be available
> >    - Create a team of people, all of whom can take care of the various
> parts
> >    of scala-tools.org so that it's not all about me and DavidB
> >
> > Relating to the last item, if you're interested in being part of the
> > scala-tools.org administration team, please contact me privately.  I
> hope to
> > get this effort rolling the week of April 20th.  If you've got bandwidth
> and
> > disk space available to be a scala-tools.org mirror, please contact me
> > off-list as well.  I'm especially interested in people with machines on
> the
> > east coast of the USA, in Europe, and in Asia.
> >
> > Sorry for the inconvenience.
> >
> > David
> >
> > --
> > Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
> > Beginning Scala http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
> > Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
> > Git some: http://github.com/dpp
> >

Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
Beginning Scala http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
Git some: http://github.com/dpp

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