
I appreciate your input. I've tried many permutations of code to try
to get this to work. The <![CDATA[ block didn;t work. I even just put
all the code into default.html as-is - no widget at all, no special
parsing involved, and still no luck.

I did get rid of the Firefox error by removing the unparsed stuff.
However, the code still doesn't work because I think it can't find the
 "elements/". In fact, now it doesn't even work in IE.

This path contains all the images used by the container. I've placed
them in src\main\webapp\elements. Do
I also need to manage this somehow in Boot with ResourceServer.allow
and/or put the images someplace else?

The strange thing is that when I was getting the Firefox error, the
container images worked fine in IE. So it seemed the elementsPath was
This leads me to believe there is some parsing going on in Lift that I
just don't grasp. But, then again, it's probably something simple.

Glenn Silverman

On Apr 11, 6:53 am, David Pollak <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com>
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 9:49 PM, glenn <gl...@exmbly.com> wrote:
> > I'm getting concerned about the viability of a Lift/JQuery web
> > solution. I am trying to implement a widget around the
> > jquery.mbContainerPlus.1.7.6 plugin. I can get it to work in  IE 7,
> > but not in Firefox 3.08, where I get the following firebug error:
> > [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003
> > (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER) [nsIDOMNSHTMLElement.innerHTML]"  nsresult:
> > "0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)"  location: "JS frame ::
> >http://localhost:8080/classpath/jquery-1.3.2.js:: anonymous :: line
> > 251"  data: no]
> >http://localhost:8080/classpath/jquery-1.3.2.js
> > Line 251
> > This has to do with an innerHtml line that shows up in jquery.js,
> > although line 251 in that file is actually blank, so I don't know
> > where it comes from.
> > Creating the widget was simple. I just created a class to spit out the
> > relevant NodeSeqs:
> > class Container {
> >  def renderHead(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
> >    <head>
> >      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href={"/" +
> > LiftRules.resourceServerPath +"/mbContainer.css"} title="style"
> > media="screen"/>
> >      <script type="text/javascript" src={"/" +
> > LiftRules.resourceServerPath + "/mbContainer.js"}></script>
> >      <script type="text/javascript" src={"/" +
> > LiftRules.resourceServerPath + "/ui.core.min.js"}></script>
> >      <script type="text/javascript" src={"/" +
> > LiftRules.resourceServerPath + "/ui.draggable.min.js"}></script>
> >      <script type="text/javascript" src={"/" +
> > LiftRules.resourceServerPath + "/ui.resizable.min.js"}></script>
> >      <script type="text/javascript" src={"/" +
> > LiftRules.resourceServerPath + "/jquery.metadata.js"}></
> > script>
> This should be escaped in a <![CDATA[ block:
> >      <script type="text/javascript">{
> >        Unparsed("""
> >          $(function(){
> >                        $(".containerPlus").buildContainers({
> >                                containment:"document",
> >                                elementsPath:"elements/"
> >                        });
> >                });
> >        """)
> >       }
> >      </script>
> >    </head>
> >  }
> Why is this Unparsed?  Why not just use XML?
> >  def renderContainer(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
> >      Unparsed("""
> >      <div class="containerPlus resizable {buttons:'m,c',
> > skin:'white'}">
> >                <div class="no">
> >                        <div class="ne">
> >                                <div class="n">main content</div>
> >                        </div>
> >                        <div class="o">
> >                                <div class="e">
> >                                        <div class="c">
> >                                                <div class="content">This is
> > the main content</div>
> >                                        </div>
> >                                </div>
> >                        </div>
> >                        <div>
> >                        <div class="so">
> >                               <div class="se">
> >                                      <div class="s"></div>
> >                                   </div>
> >                                 </div>
> >                    </div>
> >                </div>
> >     </div>
> >      """)
> >  }
> > If I have to jump through hoops to get it to work in Firefox, what
> > good is Lift? Or, am I just missing something obvious? If anyone has
> > had similar problems and has a workaround, please help.
> The only problem I've ever had with Firefox is a bug related to attributes
> with namespaces.
> Please note that Lift serves XHTML and Firefox is very strict about
> validating XHTML.  Unless you are serving your static page with a mime type
> of application/xhtml+xml, you will not trigger Firefox's heightened
> validation.
> > By the way, if I just create an html file with the containerPlus node
> > as above and display it in Firefox without using Lift, I don't get the
> > error. Everything works great.
> > Glenn Silverman
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
> Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
> Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
> Git some:http://github.com/dpp

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