I've posted a first snapshot of the jSync server (and the corresponding
javascipt client) here on

jSync synchronizes trees of objects between javascript and scala.  jSync is
not complete enough for use yet, but I'm pleased with the approach so far.
I think it'll be a great way to write rich client apps.  You can try running
the tests pretty easily:
          $ git clone git://github.com/mighdoll/jsync.git
          $ cd jsync && mvn install
          $ cd server && mvn jetty:run
          $ firefox http://localhost:8080/jsync/test/tests.html

If you're interested in this kind of thing do poke around the code -- I'd
welcome comments.

jSync uses lift of course, but I could use some help...

For example, how can I wire in a comet connection?  The current
implementation uses http very simply.  The javascript client sends http POST
messages to /sync, and looks for one or more responses in the http
response.  I've currently wired it in via LiftRules.dispatch.prepend(), but
I'm sure that's not right.  How do I comet-ify this?


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