Thanks, Richard. Very helpful.

Chas. wrote:
> My personal view is that a worked example of a fully featured
> eCommerce type site would be most useful. Even something as simple as
> a cut down Amazon style store with inventory management would be a
> great start. That would be a useful foundation for the rest of Lift's
> features (add-ons such as online chat style help).
> I'm looking at technologies for rewriting a web site with a lot of
> dynamic content, currently written entirely in Java 1.4 and JSPs.
> Scala and Lift look promising, but the lack of documentation and non
> trivial worked examples mean that despite Lift's "1.0" status, I don't
> feel I could use it in its current form.
> Hope this is of some help,
> Regards
> Richard
> > 

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