This may be heresy on this list, but I'll ask it anyway. A general
point for discussion which I'm raising because the Lift Book mentions
AJAX early on in the PocketChange app.

How important is AJAX and all the associated Web 2.0 stuff to you and
to your projects? I'm quite happy without Javascript and AJAX. More
often than not they're doing the kind of thing you could just as
easily do with traditional technologies. Save for one web-app (Google
Mail), I don't think a single site I use has been improved for it.
Particular examples are Slashdot and Facebook. Give me good old HTML
any day.

I've got a few projects in the pipeline and I intend to use Lift for
all of them, it looks excellent and from the source I've read very
nicely engineered. But I will expressly avoid using anything other
than old-fashioned HTML as much as I can, largely because I'm
targetting browsers of unknown vintage in less economically developed
countries and I'd like to be able to use my own site without cookies
or javascript if I want to.

Have I missed the point of Lift entirely? Am I in a small minority? Am
I crazy?


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