
I've seen a few threads about binding attribute values, but none of
the solutions seem relevant for my problem. I am a Lift and Scala
beginner, so I'm most likely missing something obvious.

I have the following template:

    <div id="foo_foo:id">

and here is the piece of my Foo snippet to do with binding:

  def myFoos(xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = foos.flatMap(foo =>
    bind("foo", chooseTemplate("foos", "list", xhtml),
      "id" -> foo.id,

What I want is for the id attribute in the div in the template to be
given the value foo_1, foo_2, etc, depending on the value of foo.id in
the snippet. What I get is foo_foo:id (and removing the 'foo_' part
doesn't change anything).

Can anybody help?



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