The Requested URL /admin/orders/new was not found on this server

So I check my SiteMap: Menu(Loc("New Order", "orders" :: "new" ::
Nil, ?("New Order")))
I check there is a file "orders/new.html" (admin is the web context)
Then I read about site maps, and recheck and try new Locs.
I study my logs.
Hours go by and I'm quite frustrated.

Finally it dawns on me that the error message may be lying to me and I
start to comment out lines from the new.html file -- presto!

Here is the line that I commented out:
<tr><td>Full Name</td><td><billingAddress:recipient /></tr>

Oh, lookie, it's missing a closing td tag.  Cuss this, cuss that
commit and go to sleep.  So something else should have caught that
(like my IDE), but in the end: lift lied!


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