Hey guys,

i've been playing around with REST all night, the list, add and delete
is working great so far.
The problem is, that upon update, it returns me an empty page and
doesn't run through the update functionality.
Any ideas what the problem in my update method might be?

This is what i got from the samples of the liftweb sources:

object Layouts {
        // Register the Layouts webservice with the dispatcher
        def init() {
                LiftRules.dispatch.append(NamedPF("Layouts WebService") {
                        case Req("layouts" :: "list" :: Nil, _, GetRequest) =>
                                () => Full(list())

                        case Req("layouts" :: "add" :: Nil, _, rt)
                                if rt == GetRequest || rt == PostRequest || rt 
== PutRequest =>
                                () => Full(add())

                case Req("layouts" :: "update" :: Nil, _, rt)
                                if rt == GetRequest || rt == PostRequest || rt 
== PutRequest =>
                                () => Full(update())

                case Req("layouts" :: "delete" :: Nil, _, rt)
                        if rt == GetRequest || rt == PostRequest || rt == 
                                () => Full(delete())

        // List all Layouts as XML
        def list(): XmlResponse =

        // extract the parameters, create the layout
        // return the appropriate response
        def add(): LiftResponse =
                (for {
                        name <- S.param("name") ?~ "name parameter missing"
                        layout <- S.param("layout") ?~ "layout content missing"
                        language <- S.param("language") ?~ "language parameter 
                } yield {
                        val l = 
                }) match {
                        case Full(success) => XmlResponse(<add 
                        case Failure(msg, _, _) => NotAcceptableResponse(msg)
                        case _ => NotFoundResponse()

        // extract the parameters, create the layout
        // return the appropriate response
        def update(): LiftResponse =
                (for {
                        id <- S.param("id") ?~ "id parameter missing"
                        name <- S.param("name")
                        layout <- S.param("layout")
                        language <- S.param("language")
                } yield {
                        var l = Layout.findAll(By(Layout.id, id.toLong)).first
                        if (name != "") l.name(name)
                        if (layout != "") l.layout(layout)
                        if (language != "") l.language(language)
                }) match {
                        case Full(success) => XmlResponse(<update success=
                        case Failure(msg, _, _) => NotAcceptableResponse(msg)
                        case _ => NotFoundResponse()

        // extract the parameters, delete the layout
        // return the appropriate response
        def delete(): LiftResponse =
                (for {
                        id <- S.param("id") ?~ "id parameter missing"
                } yield {
                        Layout.findAll(By(Layout.id, id.toLong)).first.delete_!
                }) match {
                        case Full(success) => XmlResponse(<delete success=
                        case Failure(msg, _, _) => NotAcceptableResponse(msg)
                        case _ => NotFoundResponse()


The Idea is to create a Scala/Liftweb based CMS which is administrated
over a jQuery Window Interface. So a user can manage everything (and
see live-changes on the page) without having an extra Browser-Window
for the administration interface open.

Authentication isn't builtin yet tho ;) I'll get to that when the bare
system is working.

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