You could reach out to web design forums (they must exist), universities and
the open source community at large via a competition of some kind.  The
reward could simply be bragging rights and credit on the contributors page.
A production web site design for a university student would be a good resume
builder.  I've seen some competitions like this in the past where
semi-functional mock-ups were created for a few select pages, then the
community voted for the winner.  If you could get an advertisement for such
a competition on Slashdot and the like, I'd bet you'd get at least a few

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:02 AM, Timothy Perrett <>wrote:

> Yeah if you have a designer which would be prepared to donate their
> time for free then we would very much like to speak with them! Our
> problem is getting creative time for free (as we are obviously a not
> for profit outfit).
> If we can get the design done (even just PSD or whatever) then we im
> more than happy to get that into a working site - this is actually
> something I want to do (rebuild the site) for 1.1... right now we just
> need a designer.
> Cheers, Tim
> > P.S.
> > I really like how the site looks like ... do you have a web designer
> > or you are that good ? ... I'm asking this because we'd need a new
> > face lilft for the Lift web site we need a persons with artistic
> > skills and if those are combined with Scala & Lift skills would be
> > perfect. Tim Perrett mainly manages Lift site so if you are interested
> > in collaborating with Tim I'm sure something good would come up. Tim,
> > any thoughts?
> >

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