Helpers has an implicit from String to Node.
Also, the list of validators should contain functions that take a mapper IIRC. 
So if the function needs more specifics, put the other arguments in a parameter 
list before. For examples see the built in validators name valXXX in various 
mapped field classes.

fbettag<> wrote:

Heyho folks,

i've been running into troubles when trying to validate records.
In the liftbook it says the following:

def noFutureDates (time : Date) = {
        if (time.getTime > System.currentTimeMillis) {
                List(FieldError(this, "You cannot make future expense entries"))
        } else {

object dateOf extends MappedDateTime(this) {
        }override def validations = noFutureDates _ :: Nil

Besides the fact that FieldError awaits an XmlNode as second
parameter, the first parameter "this" will be seen from the classes
point of view which will fail to compile (since the class for the
record isn't a FieldIdentifier).

I tried this:

        object startHour extends MappedInt(this) {
                override def validations = validateHours(this, _) :: Nil
        object stopHour extends MappedInt(this) {
                override def validations = validateHours(this, _) :: Nil

        /* Validations */
        def validateHours(field: FieldIdentifier, hour: Int) =
                if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
                        List(FieldError(field, <span>Only values between 0 and 
23 are
                } else {

This fails at the override lines at the point of _) , it says:
error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$3) => {
  <synthetic> val x$4 = validateHours(this, x$3);

Since i didn't find anything describing how to properly validate
metamapper models, i guess i have to ask here ;)
Some working samples in that direction would be reeeeeeeeeeeally

best regards!

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