That's the problem. It shouldn't be (and probably isn't) a problem
with anything! But it is a problem with something. Give a shout if you
have any problems, and try with browsers from two different blood-


On Jul 26, 4:06 pm, Timothy Perrett <> wrote:
> Hey Joe,
> Sounds interesting - im actually doing something *very* similar but
> with different 3rd party apps... I too have very long file names
> (guids) and they work perfectly fine... I really dont think its a
> problem with filename length - certainly not from a lift perspective
> anyways.
> Cheers, Tim
> On Jul 26, 1:43 pm, Joe Wass <> wrote:
> > I won't post code because the render is making calls to external
> > programs so it wouldn't really help.
> > What happens is:
> > - data extracted and written to a text file on disc with the name of
> > the guid (under images/)
> > - external program involved to produce postscript file with the same
> > name in same location
> > - external program (image magick convert) to convert to png with the
> > same name in same location
> > - image tag returned from snippet with the image name
> > So the images never go near a database, it's all on the filesystem. I
> > think the code-side of things is perhaps a red herring anyway.
> > I've put a de-guidifier (a table that autoincrements for each unique
> > guid request) which gives filenames like "5.png" instead. Since I've
> > done that I've had no problems. So perhaps it's to do with the length
> > of the file name? And maybe a quirk with Gecko (as it works with
> > Webkit).
> > Either way, I think it's an ignore-until-it-happens-again kind of
> > problem.
> > (I'm aware they're not really guids but for my purposes they are!)
> > Thanks for your interest
> > Joe
> > On Jul 26, 11:10 am, Timothy Perrett <> wrote:
> > > Hey Joe,
> > > Can you post your code? Are the images on the filesystem or held in a
> > > database etc?
> > > Cheers, Tim
> > > On Jul 25, 7:28 pm, Joe Wass <> wrote:
> > > > I'm completely stumped. I'll give the background for the sake of
> > > > completeness but I'm not sure if it will help or not. It's more of a
> > > > Jetty problem but perhaps someone here can help.
> > > > Standard Jetty set-up running one Lift instance. Mac OS X.
> > > > I have a snippet which transforms the XML input, renders an image,
> > > > saves it to disc under the webroot/images/ directory with a filename
> > > > taken from the MD5 of the contents, such as
> > > > "c5669d3eedcf7d305dcf9f88a61b3ee0.png" . The snippet then returns an
> > > > <img /> with a reference to the generated image for inclusion in the
> > > > output.
> > > > Most of the time most of the images work. But most of the time some of
> > > > them don't, and some of the images are not rendered by the browser.
> > > > Attempting to view a problem image in the browser (Camino and Firefox)
> > > > doesn't work: the image is not displayed, suggesting that something is
> > > > vaguely wrong. Viewing it in another browser (Safari and with
> > > > QuickTime), the image works fine. When viewing the file directly with
> > > > Camino (i.e. file://...), the image shows fine (the file itself is not
> > > > corrupted). I can only assume that something goes wrong in the
> > > > transport of the image.
> > > > The URIs that do fail, fail consistently, it's not intermittent.
> > > > Restarting Jetty makes no difference, so I don't think it's that the
> > > > file was created after the server started. Also, the render is a
> > > > blocking call, so there's no chance that the file is still open /
> > > > hasn't been saved before the HTML is sent and the browser requests the
> > > > images.
> > > > The only thing I can imagine is that the MIME type is mangled, so I
> > > > put the appropriate mapping in web.xml:
> > > > <mime-mapping>
> > > >   <extension>png</extension>
> > > >   <mime-type>image/png</mime-type>
> > > > </mime-mapping>
> > > > But still no cigar. The MIME type looks to be OK and I've verified
> > > > that the number of bytes is correct.
> > > > HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > > > Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
> > > > Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=1dbeh8eq4mtu0;Path=/
> > > > Content-Type: image/png
> > > > Content-Length: 25488
> > > > Last-Modified: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:38:19 GMT
> > > > Server: Jetty(6.1.16)
> > > > For completeness, the headers from an image that does load fine:
> > > > HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > > > Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
> > > > Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=15dt649lzovc4;Path=/
> > > > Content-Type: image/png
> > > > Content-Length: 18657
> > > > Last-Modified: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:41:35 GMT
> > > > Server: Jetty(6.1.16)
> > > > Very very puzzled about this. Any clues?
> > > > Cheers
> > > > Joe

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