Thank you James for your input. I hope I'll be able to look into it


On Jul 30, 4:42 pm, James Kearney <> wrote:
> I think the current implementation of the JSON form is broken.
> If you put an & in a text field and try to submit it via a JSON form
> it doesn't get handled correctly.
> To be precise the formToJSON function in jlift.js doesn't work, and
> again to be more precise the params method is broken / not fit for
> purpose.
> The params method (line 249) calls s.join("&") and then returns but it
> doesn't escape the & character (it also uses = but doesn't escape
> that). If the params function does what I think it is supposed to do
> which is split paramters for a URL then it should really call
> encodeURI on the values.
> That aside I don't think the formToJSON function should be using the
> param function. It gets a JSON object from jQuery serializeArray makes
> it into a string split by & and = then goes and splits based on & and
> = again building up some JSON (as a string) then parses the JSON. Why
> not operate on the JSON from jQuery from the start.
> e.g.
> formToJSON : function(formId)
>            {
>                json = jQuery("#" + formId).serializeArray();
>                ret = {}
>                for (var i in json)
>                {
>                    var obj = json[i]
>                    ret[] = obj.value
>                }
>                return ret;
>            }
> This does work differently from before since it won't call functions
> like params does but I don't think jQuery's serializeArray puts
> functions in the object it returns so that is not needed.
> James
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