Thanks Naftoli,

is this what you mean?

     def findAll[T <: LongKeyedMapper[T]] (metaObject:
LongKeyedMetaMapper[T]): List[T] = {
     **val users:List[User] = findAll[User](User)

still get **-> type arguments [com.udorse.lift.model.User] do not
conform to method findAll's type parameter bounds [T <:

On Aug 6, 3:30 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim <> wrote:
> Pull M out as a type parameter and just declare the value parameter to be 
> whatever M means.
> -------------------------------------
> Ross Mellgren<> wrote:
> What complaint does the compiler have?
> -Ross
> On Aug 6, 2009, at 2:06 PM, jon wrote:
> > I'd like to do something like
> >     def findAll[T <: LongKeyedMapper[T],M <: LongKeyedMetaMapper[T]]
> > (metaObject: M): List[T] = {
> >       metaObject.findAll
> >     }
> >     val users:List[User] = findAll(User)
> >     val foos:List[Foo] = findAll(Foo)
> > But the compiler won't have it.

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