That works perfectly.  Thanks.

On Aug 7, 11:43 am, David Pollak <>
> When you use a Button and it doesn't get included in the POST (either on IE8
> or for Ajax forms), use the SHtml.hidden() method to include a hidden field
> that's included in the server request.
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Ryan Donahue <> wrote:
> > Apparently if your form has only one text field (input tag w/
> > type=text) and one button tag, IE8 does not include the button as a
> > field in the post, but only includes the text field.  Here's the IE8
> > bug report:
> >
> > The result is that my function that is bound to the button is not
> > called when processing the post.  I've worked around it by adding
> > another input tag of type=text and style=display:none (hidden field
> > didn't fix it).
> > Anyway, just wanted to post a heads up and see if anybody else has
> > come across this.
> > The relevant code is below.
> > Template:
> > <lift:MemberSnippet.sendConfirmation form="POST">
> >  <fieldset>
> >    <legend>Confirm Email Address</legend>
> >    <p>First, we need to confirm your email address so we know it's
> > yours.</p>
> >    <label>Email Address:</label><br/><signup:email/><br/>
> >    <signup:submit/>
> >  </fieldset>
> > </lift:MemberSnippet.sendConfirmation>
> > Snippet:
> > //note that my SForm.button is just the same as SHtml.submit but I use
> > a button instead of input w/ type=submit
> >  def sendConfirmation(xhtml:NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
> >    def doConfirm() : Any = {
> >      if ( > 0) {
> >        try {
> >          MemberSystem.confirmEmailAddress(
> >          notice("Your confirmation email will be sent in a few
> > moments.")
> >          hideForms.set(true)
> >        }
> >        catch {
> >          case MemberSystem.InvalidEmailAddressException(msg) =>
> >            error("The email address you provided "+msg)
> >          case MemberSystem.EmailAddressAlreadyInUseException =>
> >            error("The email address you provided is already being
> > used by another member")
> >          case _ =>
> >            error("We were unable to send to this email address,
> > please try another")
> >        }
> >      }
> >      else { error ("Email address is required") ; Empty}
> >    }
> >    if (!
> >      bind("signup", xhtml,
> >           "email" -> FocusOnLoad(SForm.text(, email(_))),
> >           "submit" -> SForm.button("Send Confirmation", doConfirm))
> >    else Nil
> >  }
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web framework
> Beginning Scala
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