I'd advise against using sym links.  They don't work on Windows and don't
necessarily get JARed/WARed up correctly.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Peter Robinett <pe...@bubblefoundry.com>wrote:

> mvn -Dorg.mortbay.util.FileResource.checkAliases=False  jetty:run lead
> to:
> Problem accessing /jquery.sparkline.js. Reason:
>    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Alias checking disabled
> Is is just for the symlin in the webroot – requsting the one in the js
> subdirectory still causes Lift to say it isn't in the SiteMap.
> Any ideas? Thanks?
> Peter
> On Aug 16, 7:13 am, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > OK, this is not Lift's error message, but rather Jetty's. You need to set
> > the following property to tell Jetty not to check symlinks:
> >
> > -Dorg.mortbay.util.FileResource.checkAliases=False
> >
> > Derek
> >
> > On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Peter Robinett <pe...@bubblefoundry.com
> >wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > It is not in my site map. I did try the ResourceServer with the
> > > symlinked script in the 'js' subdir.
> >
> > > Peter
> >
> > > On Aug 14, 6:43 am, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Is the path to that file defined in your SiteMap?  In the case of
> using
> > > > ResourceServer, the "js" that you've tried means that the script
> should
> > > be
> > > > under a "js" subdir.
> >
> > > > Derek
> >
> > > > On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:57 PM, Peter Robinett <
> pe...@bubblefoundry.com
> > > >wrote:
> >
> > > > > My Lift project is in a git repository and to the repository I've
> > > > > added a submodule. Since right now I only want one javascript file
> > > > > from this submodule, my thought was to make the directory src/main/
> > > > > webroot/js and then make a symbolic link to the javascript file in
> > > > > question. Unfortunately, when I try to request the file at
> > > > >http://localhost:9090/js/jquery.sparkline.js, I get a 403 response
> > > > > that says the page is not defined in my sitemap. There was no note
> of
> > > > > the request in the stdout.
> >
> > > > > Thinking that the js subdirectory is the problem, I then tried
> making
> > > > > the symlink in the webroot directory and got a 404 error. On stdout
> it
> > > > > said:
> > > > > 2009-08-13 18:38:23.051::WARN:  Aliased resource:
> file:/Users/peter/
> > > > > Sites/Equal%20Networks/server/src/main/webapp/
> > > > >
> jquery.sparkline.js==file:/Users/peter/Sites/Equal%20Networks/server/
> > > > > vendors/dashboard/www/jquery.sparkline.js
> >
> > > > > From this I gather than Lift is troubled by the presence of a
> symlink
> > > > > and refused to acknowledge its presence. Is this true? If so, why?
> >
> > > > > From the thread last week on ExtJS I see a discussion on loading
> files
> > > > > in webroot, including supporting a css directory by adding the
> > > > > following to Boot.scala:
> > > > > ResourceServer.allow {
> > > > >  case "css" :: _ => true
> > > > > }
> >
> > > > > I already have a css file being served from a directory in the
> exact
> > > > > same location without any additions to Boot.scala. Nonetheless, I
> > > > > tried the following:
> > > > > ResourceServer.allow {
> > > > >  case "js" :: _ => true
> > > > > }
> >
> > > > > Unfortunately, this had no effect. So, how can I get my symlinked
> > > > > javascript to be server? Or should I just give up on symlinks
> > > > > altogether (I'm not a git master, so perhaps that was the wrong
> > > > > approach anyway).
> >
> > > > > Peter Robinett
> >
> > > > > PS I'm on 1.1-SNAPSHOT.
> > > > > PPS The YUI Compressor works well. Very cool.
> >

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