On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:22 PM, marius d. <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Aug 18, 5:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim <naftoli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You set whether you want a shared server, or dedicated/various speeds.
> > In any case, is there room to entertain the thought of at some point
> adding support in Lift to propogate sessions across instances? (Is it easier
> now that it's been decoupled from servlets?)
> No it is not easier. The fundamental problem in distributing lift
> sessions is the bound functions. Sure, functions are serializable but
> their references may not be. For instance one can bind an ajax
> anonymous function and that functions can have a bunch of other
> references inside potentially other lambdas etc. Viktor was doing in
> the past some research to integrate with Terracotta but there were
> some issues. So consistently distributing Lift sessions in a clustered
> environment is a challenge but of course good ideas are more then
> welcome.

Yeah, it really was a can of worms...

> >
> > -------------------------------------
> >
> > Ryan Donahue<donahu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Is anybody using Stax for anything more than prototyping or examples?
> > If so, what has your experience been?  Stax doesn't seem to fit lift
> > very well, but I'd like to find out I'm wrong.  Specifically, it does
> > not support sticky sessions:
> http://developer.stax.net/forum/topics/initial-questions.
> > I assume a Stax app shares resources with others on the same server,
> > so you'd likely need to scale to additional servers sooner than
> > normal.  However, the lack of sticky sessions effectively caps a
> > stateful lift app to one server.
> >

Viktor Klang

Rogue Scala-head

Blog: klangism.blogspot.com
Twttr: viktorklang

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