I'll go ahead and see what I can do, then.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:40 AM, David Pollak <
feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Derek Chen-Becker 
> <dchenbec...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I'm trying to fix Mapper support for Oracle and I've run into an issue.
>> Oracle's JDBC drivers support returning autoGenerated keys, but not the way
>> that Lift expects. The way that Lift currently works, it just calls
>> executeUpdate with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS set. In Oracle, this will
>> simply return the ROWID of the inserted row, which means that we would have
>> to do a second select to get the actual value. Alternatively, Oracle does
>> support fetching the inserted value from a column if you use the
>> executeUpdate(String, Array[String]) method (the Array is a set of column
>> names to fetch). What I'm getting at is that support for autogenerated keys
>> is very driver-specific right now, but the DriverTypes class essentially is
>> just using some flags to control behavior in MetaMapper. I'm wondering if it
>> would make more sense to move the support for insert queries into
>> DriverTypes so that we have things tied directly to the drivers instead of
>> splitting it up between two files. I'm thinking of adding something like:
>> def performUpdate(conn : Connection, stmt : String, primaryKeyColumn :
>> String)
>> def performUpdate(conn : Connection, stmt : PreparedStatement,
>> primaryKeyColumn : String)
>> to DriverTypes, which would then allow us to define driver-specific key
>> fetching in place. I could move the base functionality into DriverTypes
>> itself, and then we could override as needed on specific vendor classes. The
>> current situation with flags for brokenAutogeneratedKeys_? and
>> wickedBrokenAutogeneratedKeys_?, while amusingly named, feels untenable in
>> the long term as we continue to find corner cases for vendor drivers. I
>> could add a "notQuiteBrokenButDifferentAutogeneratedKeys_?" flag for Oracle,
>> but that doesn't feel right. Thoughts?
> I think it's a good idea.  It will also help with Record support for JDBC.
>> Derek
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
> Beginning Scala http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
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