Thanks for taking a look at this issue. If the solution is as simple
as clearing/removing a cookie, that's great news. I'll give it a try
and let you know how it worked. Thanks again!

- Mark

On Aug 26, 2:57 am, Atsuhiko Yamanaka <>
> Hi,
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Mark Tye<> wrote:
> ...
> > I don't know if compatibility with App Engine is a priority for the
> > Lift team, but if this doesn't get fixed, I face an ugly choice
> > between remaining frozen at 1.1-M4 as Lift development moves forward,
> > or migrating away from App Engine to another cloud solution. Is there
> > anything I can do to assist the diagnosis/resolution of this issue?
> I have found that this problem will occur if you run lift app based on 1.1-M4
> and then run lift app based on 1.1-SNAPSHOT.
> And then, if you clear a cookie entry for
> in your browser,
> that problem will disappear.
> I think there is not a solution in the 1.1-SNAPSHOT code.
> How about clearing sessions before updating to 1.1-SNAPSHOT code base?
> You know that sessions have been kept in the datastore and memcache,
> and following code will clear them.
> I have confirmed that I could cure that problem by following code
> without deleting
> a cookie in my browser.
>   // clearing sessions in the datastore.
>   import{Query,
> DatastoreServiceFactory, Entity}
>   implicit def foo(i:java.lang.Iterable[Entity]) = new Iterator[Entity]{
>     val itt = i.iterator
>     def hasNext:Boolean = itt.hasNext
>     def next:Entity =
>   }
>   val datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService
>   val results = datastore.prepare(new Query("_ah_SESSION"))
>   for(session <- results.asIterable){
>     datastore.delete(session.getKey())
>   }
>   // clearing memcache
>   import java.util.Collections
>   import javax.cache._
>   val cacheFactory = CacheManager.getInstance.getCacheFactory
>   val cache = cacheFactory.createCache(Collections.emptyMap())
>   val stats = cache.getCacheStatistics
>   cache.clear
> Sincerely,
> --
> Atsuhiko Yamanaka
> JCraft,Inc.
> 1-14-20 HONCHO AOBA-KU,
> SENDAI, MIYAGI 980-0014 Japan.
> Tel +81-22-723-2150
>     +1-415-578-3454
> Skype callto://jcraft/

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