I think DB#runQuery method suits for your needs.
It is handy method to execute prepare statement.

example code:

DB.runQuery("select * from person where name=? and age=? and state=?",
List("smith", 50, "FL"))

But, You still have to make a where clause generator.

DB#runQuery use DefaultConnectionIdentifier.
I want to specify a connection identifier in this method...

On 9月10日, 午後10:59, Rogelio <rogbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on my first Lift project.  I'm implementing a search form
> that will have
> several fields -- firstname, lastname, age, sex, state, etc.  The
> search should allow
> the user to enter as little or as much information as they know in
> order to narrow
> the search down.  So, if they know the lastname is "Smith" and he is
> "Male" then
> the search should show all males with last name smith.  If the user
> does another
> query on smith, Male, and now adds age=50 and state="FL", then it
> should return
> the new, more specific query results.
> Question is, how to implement this dynamic search in a safe way (ie,
> avoid SQL injections
> etc).  I'm thinking about using BySQL, but am unsure how to do
> ("where name=? and sex=?", "smith", "Male") and the next time have it
> be
>  ("where name=? and age=? and state=?", "smith", 50, "FL")
> Basically, how does one safely generate the varying number of
> conditions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rog

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