If you're referring to the Exploring Lift book, have a look at Section
"3.11.1 Binding Values in Snippets" where it explains bind. (I'm new
to Lift myself and hopefully not leading you astray.)

1. myFunc's "html" parameter is fed "automatically" by the HTML Lift
Template.  In the follow example, everything between
<lift:SomeClass.myFunc> and </lift:SomeClass.myFunc> is passed to

<lift:surround with="default" at="content">
        <h2>Hello World</h2>
        <lift:SomeClass.myFunc form="POST">
                <p> Some Text <hello:description /></p>
                <hello:button />

2. "hello" is a prefix for referring to template elements by name. The
HTML Lift template should have some like <hello:button /> which will
get replaced by the evaluation after "->" within bind().

3. I'm not sure what you mean "How does the div work".

On Sep 13, 10:24 pm, jack <jack.wid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could somebody please explain to me how this example from the book
> works.
>  def myFunc(html:NodeSeq):NodeSeq  = {
>         bind("hello",html,"button" ->
>          ajaxButton(Text("Press me"),
>                     { () =>
>                       println("Got an Ajax call.")
>                      SetHtml("my-div", Text("That's it"))
>                    })
>        )
>   }
> In particular, what do I pass in as the html parameter?
> What is 'hello'?
> How does the div work?
> I don't understand 'bind'.

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