And here is the error again:
XML parsing failed

XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 13, Character: 4)

Reparse document as HTML
Error:undeclared XML namespace prefix used in attribute name
 10:   <body>
 12:   <!--FIXME - comet type: Full(com.authoritude.snippet.Clock) name:
Full(Other) Not Found -->
 13:     <clk:time>Missing Clock</clk:time>
 16:   <script type="text/javascript">

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Jack Widman <> wrote:

> Here is the complete code for my Clock example
> *class*
> import scala.xml._
> import net.liftweb.http.S
> import net.liftweb.http.CometActor
> import net.liftweb.http.SessionVar
> import net.liftweb.util._
> import _root_.scala.xml._
> import
> import scala.actors._
> class Clock extends CometActor {
>   override def defaultPrefix = Full("clk")
>   def render = bind("time" -> timeSpan)
>   def timeSpan = (<span id="time">{timeNow}</span>)
>   ActorPing.schedule(this, Tick, 10000L)
>   override def lowPriority :
>   PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
>     case Tick => {
>       partialUpdate(SetHtml("time",
>     Text(timeNow.toString)))
>       ActorPing.schedule(this,Tick, 10000L)
>     }
>   }
> }
> case object Tick
> *markup - (I have also tried it with just *type="Clock" since the package
> is in my Boot class)
> <lift:surround with="default" at="content">
>   <lift:comet type="com.authoritude.snippet.Clock" name="Other">
>     <clk:time>Missing Clock</clk:time>
>   </lift:comet>
> </lift:surround>
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Jack Widman <>wrote:
>> The package is correct. Here is the error
>> XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 13, Character: 4)
>> Reparse document as HTML
>> Error:undeclared XML namespace prefix used in attribute name
>> Specification:
>>  10:   <body>
>>  11:
>>  12:   <!--FIXME - comet type: Full(com.authoritude.snippet.Clock) name:
>> Full(Other) Not Found -->
>>  13:     <clk:time>Missing Clock</clk:time>
>>  14:
>>  15:
>>  16:   <script type="text/javascript">
>> I tried it both with the full class name and just Clock. I get the same
>> error in both cases.
>> Its seems to be saying clk is an undeclared namespace?
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:46 AM, Timothy Perrett <
>> > wrote:
>>> Its telling you that the class Clock could not be found - if i were
>>> you, check the package definitions on the clock class to make sure its
>>> in the right namespace.
>>> Cheers, Tim
>>> On Sep 15, 3:38 am, jack <> wrote:
>>> > I compiled the comet Clock app and used the following markup
>>> >
>>> > <lift:surround with="default" at="content">
>>> >   <lift:comet type="Clock" name="Other">
>>> >     <clk:time>Missing Clock</clk:time>
>>> >   </lift:comet>
>>> > </lift:surround>
>>> >
>>> > I also used the standard default.html
>>> >
>>> > When I ran it, I got the error
>>> >
>>> > XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 13, Character: 4)
>>> >
>>> > Error:undeclared XML namespace prefix used in attribute name
>>> > Specification:
>>> >  10:   <body>
>>> >  11:
>>> >  12:   <!--FIXME - comet type: Full(Clock) name: Full(Other) Not Found
>>> > -->
>>> >  13:     <clk:time>Missing Clock</clk:time>
>>> >  14:
>>> >  15:
>>> >  16:   <script type="text/javascript">
>>> >
>>> > Any ideas?
>>> >>>

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