This is a known problem - Derek origionally created that archetype but  
we recently made some breaking changes in HEAD. I think the buck is  
currently living on my door for the maven process stuff so to that  
end, I'll try to check-in a change tomorrow that should address this  
for you.

Cheers, Tim

Sent from my iPhone

On 15 Sep 2009, at 21:02, Lanny Ripple <> wrote:

> I'm trying to use mvn to grab and build lift-archetype-jpa-basic.
> When I do so (using the mvn command from The Lift Book) I find that
> the scala.version property is set to ${scala.version} in the top level
> pom.xml.
> Fixing that problem and trying to mvn install I get many warnings
> [clean:clean]
> Deleting directory /home/lanny/NetBeansProjects/JPADemo/web/target
> [resources:resources]
> [WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered
> resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
> Copying 1 resource
> [yuicompressor:compress]
> [WARNING] .../src/main/webapp/scripts/jquery.datePicker.js:line
> -1:column -1:Try to use a single 'var' statement per scope.
> showHeader!=$.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_NONE){ ---> var  <--- headRow=$(dc
> ("tr"));
> [WARNING] .../src/main/webapp/scripts/jquery.datePicker.js:line
> -1:column -1:Try to use a single 'var' statement per scope.
> (dc("tr"));for( ---> var  <--- i=Date.firstDayOfWeek;i<Date.
> [WARNING] .../src/main/webapp/scripts/jquery.datePicker.js:line
> -1:column -1:Try to use a single 'var' statement per scope.
> ...
> and some errors
> Compiling 4 source files to /home/lanny/NetBeansProjects/JPADemo/web/
> target/classes
> [WARNING] /home/lanny/NetBeansProjects/JPADemo/web/src/main/scala/
> bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala:22: error: value provider is not a member
> of package net.liftweb.http
> [WARNING] import
> [WARNING]                                ^
> [WARNING] /home/lanny/NetBeansProjects/JPADemo/web/src/main/scala/
> bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala:64: error: wrong number of arguments for
> constructor Object: ()java.lang.Object
> [WARNING]     object swedishOn extends SessionVar(false)
> [WARNING]                              ^
> [WARNING] /home/lanny/NetBeansProjects/JPADemo/web/src/main/scala/
> bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala:68: error: value is is not a member of
> object swedishOn
> [WARNING]         case Nil if == true => Full
> (swedishChef)
> I blew away ~/.m2 in the hopes that would help but it did not.
>  Regards,
>  -ljr
> >

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