For the large part, I agree, the level of questions even I know is
geingt a bit too much, and the amount of patience you all use
answering them even though you know you just answered that a week ago
is commendable. That said you commiters don't have time to waste
answering those questions, that's what we are for :) and it is
happening. There are people here that are not commiters that are
answering those questions and others. I've been a lurker here for over
a year and even I am answering an occasional answer.

Maybe writing what you understand into the Wiki should be promoted
more, mention it on the title pages of lift, maybe even bring in a
commiter or two in with the express idea they are working on the Docs/
wiki. Bring in some support crew so the commiters only have to worry
about committing :)

> Personal Opinion:
> To be fair to Lift commit team, there is quite a bit of example code
> online for people to check out, but I'm not convinced they are
> actually looking at it.  Given the number of questions that come in
> that are easily solved with a Google Search, I don't know how pumping
> out more and more docs and examples will help, as it seems largely
> ignored.

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